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Product Identity Guidelines

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ActiveAI Security Platform

Please ensure ample space for our Logo to coexist with other elements within a composition. A helpful guideline is to use the letter “D” of our logo to establish a reference point for the required clear space.

To guarantee legibility, our Logo’s minimum size will primarily be observed in social media assets and print materials. As a reliable minimum reference, it is recommended to maintain a width of at least 127 pixels.
Platform Name Narrative
The Darktrace ActiveAI Security Platform distinguishes 
itself with a name that bolsters brand distinction and enhances SEO, making it memorable and easy to 
find online. It embodies a proactive, dynamic approach to cybersecurity, ensuring that businesses are not just reacting to threats but preemptively neutralizing 
them. ActiveAI signifies Darktrace's commitment to 
leading the charge in adaptive, intelligent defense, offering more than protection — it promises continuous, active cybersecurity.

Product & Service 

When it comes to naming all elements of our brand (products, services, capabilities, add-ons), the names should be as self-evident as possible.

We are prioritizing clarity for our customers, so our product names will be as literal as possible. We are staying away from metaphor and abstraction because these names require greater investment to explain their meaning, and they have the potential to create confusion.

Names will be grounded in core functionality 
or utility, more than a customer outcome. They are aligned with industry standards when possible. This provides extreme clarity for our customers about what we’re offering.

Primary Product Lockups

Wherever possible these lockups are preferred.
Our primary lockup is crafted to be the main visual emblem for each product when presented on internal and external channels.

Secondary Product Lockups

When space is limited, use this treatment.
Our secondary lockup has been tailored for applications that require a horizontal arrangement due to space limitations.

Tertiary Product Lockups

These lockups should only be used in Darktrace owned applications where the logo is present and context is clear.
Our tertiary lockup is a variant of our product logos intended for internal channels where the Darktrace logo does not need to be displayed

Product Icon Versions

Light background

Product Icon Versions (Cont.)

Dark background

Simple Icons

When used in a white color, the primary logo background should be DT Dark or black. However, the white logo can also be used on dark bacDarktrace uses Simple icons in our branded communication and in our products to convey complex ideas with simplicity, convey hierarchy, or communicate action inside products.

Product icons and simple icons differ in their construction and purpose, however, they may convey a similar idea or word. For example, we may use the Product icon for Darktrace / CLOUD and a Simple icon to represent cloud technology on the same page.

It is important to know where to use the right icon to create consistency for the Darktrace brand. kgrounds with the ‘Trace’ and dark photography (be extra mindful to maintain contrast). Always ensure sufficient contrast and legibility.

Access the platform diagram and the entire suite of product logos

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Understanding the difference

Here are some key distinctions about how and where Product icons and Simple icons appear.
Product icons act as an entryway
Product icons communicate the core idea of the product and initiate an action, like opening that product inside the platform.
Product icons use gradients and depth
Product icons are constructed to represent the “Trace” as a linear gradient and often have dimension or depth using transparency
Product icons work at small sizes
We create product icons to be legible at small sizes – think of the app icons on your phone.
Simple icons help users understand
Simple icons are simpler and signal concepts or actions to help guide users through an experience.
Simple icons are limited in color and depth
Simple icons use gradient in a limited amount and generally work better at small sizes. They don’t use transparency or dimension.
Simple icons work at even smaller sizes.
We also create Simple icons to be legible at small sizes – even smaller than Product icons.
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