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Voice & Tone

Discover important tools on how to communicate with authenticity and consistency.
The Darktrace Voice and Tone are important tools to communicate with authenticity and consistency, and the guidelines here are a starting point for writing on behalf of our brand.
Brand Archetype
Our brand archetypes, the hero and the creator.
Brand Archetype

Our brand archetype informs how we show up in the world, how we continue to shape our character, and how we inform the customer experience.

We embody both the Hero & Creator archetypes to reflect our commitment to defending the world and igniting innovation. We balance these themes in our brand personality, expression, and experience.

Hero – 70%
Hero brands save the day. They innovate and overcome obstacles, and empower people to be better or triumphant.

They promise/enable mastery.

Hero brands are confident,  courageous, and candid.

Creator – 30%
Creator brands unleash new thinking. They create something new from a bold vision and empower people to solve problems and imagine new possibilities.

They promise/enable innovation.

Creator brands are inspiring, intelligent, and imaginative.

Beneath are the key components of the Darktrace brand’s voice.
We speak to thousands of customers  every day, in many languages and contexts. Our voice comes to life in our brand experience and in our verbal communication. Whatever we’re saying, it should be in service of our vision, mission, and purpose, and always be centered on the customer.

Center the Customer

Empathy is a vehicle for communication. Write to customer outcomes and speak to real-world experiences. Consider the customer’s pain points, challenges, and experience when writing about topics and developing content.
Simplify Complexity
What Darktrace does is complex, but it doesn’t always have to be. Make sure to reduce and simplify complexity in our communication, making space for what matters. When we make our point with simplicity and clarity, it’s easier to understand, translate, and share.
Educate and Include
We’re trying to create and lead a new era of cybersecurity. To bring our customers and the world along on the journey, we have to educate, inspire, and be inclusive in our writing. Accessible writing helps more people feel included in our vision.
Voice Attributes
Beneath are examples of what makes our voice uniquely Darktrace.
Be Human
We’re writing for real people, with real questions, real needs, real meetings they need to get to. Talk to them like you’d talk to a real person, with humility and empathy. Even though we’re pioneering AI technology, we shouldn’t write like a machine.
Human means:
  • Friendly but not overfamiliar
  • Humble but not indecisive
  • Inclusive but not pandering
  • Witty but not contrived
Be Useful
Understand customer needs. Show them how we solve their problems. Make painful moments easier. Keep it simple and rooted in truth, reality, and data. If it isn’t helpful, delete it.
Useful means:
  • Informative but not overwhelming
  • Helpful but not overbearing
  • Functional but not dry
Be Clear
Give them information in direct, accessible language that anyone can understand. Don’t dwell on process, but don’t leave out important details. Clarity also means going the extra mile to demonstrate expertise and avoiding industry jargon.
Clear means:
  • Concise but not curt
  • Accessible but not vague
  • Candid without information overload
Be Optimistic
Our optimistic voice is rooted in empathy to create a better experience and in our the belief that by securing the way our customers’ world works, we ignite innovation. We’re oriented toward benefits and seeing potential, making sure we’re always respectful without ignoring real concerns.
Optimistic means:
  • Positive but not ignoring concerns
  • Hopeful but not unrealistic
  • Reassuring but not patronizing
Beneath are examples of how to use tone across our ecosystem.
Tone is about “reading the room” and adapting our voice across a range of audiences, contexts, and messages.

Here are a few examples of how we flex our tone for different audiences.
Let’s find the right AI solution for your business.
Businesses are made up of real people. How we speak to them should reflect that.
Simply put, our self-learning AI has the potential to give defenders everywhere the upper hand against the changing threat landscape.
Being trustworthy doesn’t have to mean boring. Everything we say can be both inspiring and informative.
Protect against unknown threats with 86% more accuracy.
In product marketing, sales materials, and documentation, we write  simple, direct descriptions of functionality, focusing on what makes us different.
It’s important to avoid AI-washing and “fluff” when writing about AI. We get specific, explain the technology, and reference real outcomes.
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